vCard in RDF/FOAF

To include address information in the RDF/FOAF file we need some additional specification from the web consortium. This implies usage of an additional namespace. Together with the namespaces for RDF, RDFS and FOAF the header of a FOAF file then looks like this:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? rdf:RDF xmlns = "" xmlns:rdf = "" xmlns:vcard = "" xmlns:rdfs = "" xmlns:foaf = ""

For the PersonalProfileDocument record nothing changes. So let's take a look again at the simple record for a person:

foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="me" foaf:nameSiegfried Gipp/foaf:name foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" / foaf:img rdf:resource="" / /foaf:Person

Now it's easy to add the address information like street, ZIP-code and location to the record, using vCard syntax:

foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="me" foaf:nameSiegfried Gipp/foaf:name foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" / foaf:img rdf:resource="" / vcard:ADR rdf:parseType="Resource" vcard:StreetGrundstraße 66/vcard:Street vcard:Pcode64385/vcard:Pcode vcard:LocalityReichelsheim/vcard:Locality vcard:Country xml:lang="en"Germany/vcard:Country vcard:Country xml:lang="de"Deutschland/vcard:Country /vcard:ADR /foaf:Person

BTW: As you can see here, datafields may be attributed with a language attribute (xml:lang).