
The nice thing about FOAF is, placing your own data here is not the end of all. The most useful thing about FOAF is, you can add records of other persons. And if that person would have his own FOAF file, then you could go on.

Let's assume i know a person named "Adromir". This is not a real name, but a socalles nickname. That doesn't matter, i can still include some data stating that i know Someone named Adromir, and where to find more information about that person:

foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="me" foaf:nameSiegfried Gipp/foaf:name foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" / foaf:img rdf:resource="" / vcard:ADR rdf:parseType="Resource" vcard:StreetGrundstraße 66/vcard:Street vcard:Pcode64385/vcard:Pcode vcard:LocalityReichelsheim/vcard:Locality vcard:Country xml:lang="en"Germany/vcard:Country vcard:Country xml:lang="de"Deutschland/vcard:Country /vcard:ADR foaf:knows foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="Adromir"/ /foaf:knows /foaf:Person

This simple reference points to another record of type "Person" in that FOAF file. This record may look like:

foaf:Person rdf:nodeID="Adromir" foaf:nickAdromir/foaf:name foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" / /foaf:Person

Now you know that this person has a homepage, you know the url, and you may search for his FOAF file by looking into the head section of this homepage file. As you remember, the link to that file can be found there:

link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" href=""

Unfortunately up to now there is nothing to find...